
List Round Examples

B441 - Grow Wild
•    This is a round with a difference.  There is only one question and you are asked to find ten answers to fit. 
Each answer which matches one on the ‘approved’ list scores a point.

•    Since 2013 the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew has been on a mission to get the UK sowing and growing, under the title “Grow Wild”.  In partnership with UK based seed suppliers they have produced a wild flower seed mix containing a selection from a list of 30 UK native wild flowers.  Name ten flowers from that list

•    Answers (common names) - pick any ten!
Bedstraw (Lady’s or Hedge)
Bird's foot trefoil
Buttercup (Meadow)
Campion (red)
Chamomile (corn)
Daisy (Oxeye)

Hawkbit (Autumn)
Knapweed (Common/Lesser)
Marigold (Corn)
Mayweed (Scentless)
Poppy (Corn/Common)
Purple loosestrife
Ragged robin

Ribwort plantain
Scabious (Devil’s bit or Field)
St John’s wort (Perforate or Square-stalked)
Vetch (Tufted)
White dead-nettle
Wild carrot
Yellow rattle

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