
Warmup Round Examples

W50 - What's The Point?
•    Supply the answers to these definitions, all of which end in the letters POINT.

1    To fail to fulfil the expectations or wishes of
2    Embroidery upon canvas, usually with uniform spacing of stitches in a pattern
3    A convenient time at which to make a change, interruption, etc
4    The mental position, attitude, etc., from which a person views and judges things
5    To locate or describe exactly or precisely
6    To punctuate wrongly
7    A place where a cordless telephone can be connected to a telephone network
8    A melody composed to be combined with another melody
9    A pen in which a fine ball bearing rotates against a cartridge of semisolid ink
10    A place equidistant from both ends
11    A place along a road, border, etc., where travellers are stopped for inspection
12    Excessive plumpness; stoutness (from French,  literally, in good condition )
13    To repair the joints of (brickwork, masonry, etc) with mortar or cement
14    A specific place on the body where acupressure is applied
15    A position of observation
16    To sail closer to the wind than (another ship)
17    An ATM
18    A location that is by its site and nature easily defended
19    A traffic-calming measure in which the road narrows to one lane, with priority direction assigned
20    Under threat of being shot

Answers follow:-

1.    Disappoint
2.    Needlepoint
3.    Breakpoint
4.    Standpoint
5.    Pinpoint
6.    Mispoint
7.    Telepoint
8.    Counterpoint
9.    Ballpoint
10.    Midpoint
11.    Checkpoint
12.    Embonpoint
13.    Repoint
14.    Acupoint
15.    Viewpoint
16.    Outpoint
17.    Cashpoint
18.    Strongpoint
19.    Pinchpoint
20.    Gunpoint
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